Cavy lineup

The Standards used for judging cavies under the New Zealand Cavy Judges Association may be downloaded here. The book can be printed out on A4 paper and it has been updated for 2022.

New Zealand Cavy Judges Standards 2022

A total number of 10 points is required to become a champion and  get a champion certificate. The maximum number of points gained by a cavy at any one show are five points.

The New Zealand Cavy Judges Association (NZCJA) was formed when purebred cavies were first imported into New Zealand by Jack Whitworth (1976). Jack began to train judges to the English standard and the Association was formed as a result. NZCJA judges have been officiating at New Zealand Cavy Shows ever since.

President : Pat Hardcastle

Secretary/treasurer : Joan Clack


A  meeting for NZCJA judges will be held on the morning after the Nationwide Show.